If you’re unfamiliar with \(\LaTeX\), this is a good place to start.


% A basic LaTeX template.
% Lines beginning with '%' are comments -- anything after the '%' is ignored.

% Prelude


% Here, you can put any packages you need, like this:

% Replace these with your headers. --------------------------------------------

\header{Homework 1}{}{Your name}
\title{Homework 1}
\author{Your name}

% To add a specific date, uncomment the following line:
%\date{February 20, 2023}

% To omit the date, uncomment this line.

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% Document


\thispagestyle{empty} % to omit page number on the title page

\section*{Problem 1}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Some text here...

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\section*{Problem 2}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Some more text here...

% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
